Yesterday I decided to get into my tourist mode. My team on the rig had sent me an email that I would not be going to the rig yesterday and they even encouraged me to enjoy DIU. So, the taxi guy came to pick me up. He took me to almost all the touristy places in DIU. The only thing I could not do was the watersports. According to the driver, the seas were still too rough to attempt anything there. Boo-hoo.. It took about 3 hrs to see all the sights. The driver informed me that the island of DIU is only just 18kms long with a popluation of 45,000 people. Formerly colonized by the Portuguese, about half the population hold portugues passports and are living outside of india. As we drove down some streets.. you could literally see houses that had been padlocked shut because no one lives there any more.. So here are some pictures..
Bendy @ The Fort ( Just a little something I do every now and again)
I Made a friend.. (Ok.. i asked him to take my pics)

Woman Hacking coconuts open
The Portuguese built the DIU fort around the 1600's i think. It was used for imprisoning people. It kind of reminds me of alcatraz
Met some of the locals taking a walk
DIU Government Hospital. This is the only hospital in DIU. Blogsville, please pray for me that I don't ever get sick while I am out here.. It looks like once you go inside.. you aint ever coming back out
"I found God in DIU"
St. Peters Church. The designs are absolutely fantastic. Built by the Portuguese as well..and its still standing.. and functioning

DIU has got one of the most amazing coast lines I have seen so far in India... I hear Goa is also nice.. but then..I still need to see Goa

Some Indian Temple which opens right into the sea.. The place resemble "Mammy Water" temple
I Just got a call from #. # is one of my crew members on the rig. He says my name is on the chopper manifest. I should be leaving DIU this afternoon for the rig. But then again.. anything can happen.. I may or may not go.. I need to make some telephone calls to see which way swings..
ajala ma n gbadun ke...
omo mehn I pray u dont get sick at all o...
seeing u have so much fun is makin me wana get ma ass off ma seat and jus travel the world mehn...
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, u are enjoying oh. Hello my darling.
Enjoymentttttttttt.. glad yu are having fun
babe we cannot work likde dis,I dey die here n u're rockin.I happy for u sha but i know the rockin wont last any longer than u've
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