Wednesday, 17 June 2009

The Proverbial Prodigal Daughter


How does one get to explain such a long absence from THE BLOG? Where do I start from? It is almost impossible to pack into one single post all the experiences, ups and downs, highs and lows and everything else that has happened since.. well since the last post. I have received quiet a few messages from good fellow bloggers asking me to update and my frame of mind was just too far removed from blogging that I could not bring finger to keyboard and pour all my feelings into a page or two of Microsoft word. I guess sitting here in a stuffy cyber café in Lagos; I have found the inspiration which I have not been able to summon for such a long time. That and the fact that I have been having this nagging feeling for that past year or two of wanting to write a book. Yea.. Tolantino writes a book! Waddaya make of that?? Lol.. Its not going to be an autobiography (God No!) I am too young for all that and besides.. I believe there is still more in store for me. I have not arrived yet. I am still on my journey and when I get to my destination, maybe I will write an autobiography!

I know you want to know the latest with me right? Well.. I LEFT INDIA!!! (I am sure a lot of you guys are singing hallelujah choruses on my behalf) I left in March and was transferred back to the office in UK. I remember sitting at the Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai on my last day out of India and I made a post for this blog. This was back in March and I had every intention of posting it up here. I just never got around to it. Well, I will be putting it up hopefully sometime soon.
I miss Mumai! Would you believe that? I miss the craziness of the place as well as the frustrations of trying to communicate with the rickshaw drivers or the sales man at the shop or the waiter whom you have asked for a dish with no spice at all and who then returns with a dish swimming in so much spice that you have to abandon the meal. India has made me a more tolerant person. I have seen people being inhuman to each other and I have seen poverty but despite all the squalor, there was contentment. If given the chance, I would do it all over again, shed all those tears again and make the entire discovery all over again. Most of all, I miss the good friends I left behind. I miss the people who helped me to get through it all. I miss the workmate who sat with me as I cried on the helideck and the guy who wrote down Hindi words for me on the back of my diary so that I could communicate with the maid or the market men/women. I feel tears welling up in my eyes but I am done shedding tears for India. I am now in my NOW and I am looking forward to the rest of my life!
Since then, I have house hopped, bought a car called “Sandra”, got a flat of my own (Gosh the responsibilities involved in being the sole occupant of a flat!) and I have started to become a responsible young lady. Hehehehe.. (Not that I was ever irresponsible)
In addition to all this, I now have an office job which at first was so weird. Imagine not wearing ripped jeans and flip flops to work! It was the weirdest thing ever and it had to take some getting used to I tell you. I had to go shop for clean clothes and ditch all the coveralls and hard hats ( I had to clean up real nice o) Lol.

Anyways, This is supposed to be a very short post, notifying this blog of my intentions to resume blogging. Just like the proverbial prodigal son who returned to his fathers home, the prodigal daughter returns to Blogsville. I wonder what tone this blog will take from now onward as there is no more India to rant about but trust Miss Tolantino to come up with something eh?

Just look out for the next post..


aloted said...

good to hear from u...welcome r u in london or manchester...did u sort out ur braces?? hola

Tolantino said...

Aloted! You have been ever so faithful to my blog. I am neither in Manchester nor London. However, I am about 2.5hrs drive from London. I still got the braces.. I had to find a local orthodontist here and the thing is improving small small sha. Lol..