This past weekend, our darling Cindy coordinated a trip to Dubai. My brothers and sisters in blogsphere, I can definitely tell you that this past Friday was the second most exciting day of my life (the top on my list is the desert safari day) The ride to Dubai was really good.. a lot of chatting and mingling on the bus. As we entered Dubai, come and see buildings.. I mean tall, exotic looking buildings. They were everywhere… you could feel the petrol-dollars everywhere. There were also so many more buildings being constructed.. the thought that this city is still continually booming makes me see dollar signs everywhere. After getting lost a couple of times, the first stop was at the Ibn Battuta Mall.

The IBN Battuta Mall
My people make una come and see something o.. The mall was built with themes from India (definitely posher than the real thing), Egypt, China,e.t.c. We only had two hours here and while wandering around.. I found a Mac Cosmetics. Now, I know that since I left Naija very young.. I missed the cosmetic-mania blitz that is currently holding Nigerian females hostage. So I decided to ask the Mac babe to give me a makeover.. I was so impressed with the result that I bought everything she put on my face.. I was definitely on a Kamikaze level. Time was up too soon.. I think I will be planning my own independent trip to Dubai and will be incurring some serious damage to my bank account when I return to this mall.
The next stop was the world famous, world only 7 star hotel. This wonder of a hotel is known as the Burj El Arab. Gaddamn.. You people need to come and see architecture! This place was on another level. The only crazy thing is that they did not allow us past the heavily manned gates.. You have to pay $200 to enter and you even have to go on a waiting list to pay this money. I have better things to do with $200 o!.. we had to be contented with taking pictures from the gates.. The amazing thing that happened here was that me and my Nigerian flat mate (a.k.a sisto) were like the only black girls in this sea of tourists. I need not mention that we was looking really fab. People must have thought we were celebrities or something that they started asking us to take pictures with them. No problem.. me and Sisto was posing from left, right and centre. Like Sisto said, if we was real celebrities.. we probably would have been on the other side of the it up inside the Burj El Arab.. (maybe in my next life sha)
Since they would not let us into the grounds.. we moved on to the beach which has a beautiful view of the Burj El Arab. This was where I truly appreciated the architecture involved in accomplishing such a marvelous feat. Chei.. this hotel actually has its own Heli-Pad and we were lucky enough to see a Helicopter landing on it.. I wonder who was on that chopper. So we started again.. pictures pictures.. ohh.. by the way.. my battery had already run out by now.. my job was now to start sticking my face in front of everyone’s camera. I had to capture the moment for sure.
Next stop.. the historical village and the Spice Souk.. This place did not really appeal to me cos there was loads of immigrants around.. I mean.. this place looked like a refugee entry point and it felt like being back in India and you guys know how much love I got for India. People were really staring at us.. I was a bit happy about this as Sisto experienced first hand the entire gist I’d been giving her. She must have thought that my Indian gists were all exaggerated. Come and see eyes.. I could almost see Sisto scratching her skin cos she was so unused to this… lol! Anyhow.. I liked this place cos we were able to hire our own boat which took us across the river in true celebrity fashion. More picures.. I’m surprised that people’s batteries were still allowing them to take pictures.
After we finished, we hopped on the bus and went to the Emirates Mall.. This place was Outta this world. Infact, by now.. Babes was already too tired to talk, we had gone past Mansions, Lamborghinis, Ferrari’s, Cayennes, Hummers, any type of car in this world.. just name it.. it was there.. this place was like the Monte Carlo F1 gathering.. to God be the glory o… I hear that dem Emirates citizens get money no be small thing.. now you must understand why I want to return to this life as an Emirati as long as the oil does not finish. I did not buy much here cos I did not have the energy to walk…. I will definitely be returning to Dubai before I leave. I will be going to burn a big hole in my bank account.. I hope you guys love the pictures..
PS: I beg you guys to forgive my epistle-like post. I just cannot hold back my awe for this country.
Ah Dubai....
Amazing...The shopping is fab...Check out the Gold SOuk as well...I had a blast too...
Definitely going back this year with more money to burn...LOL
Too much fun gurl, I have to visit that place this year. Budget or no Budget.
did u get the chance to go inside the man made ski slope
@ Torrance, YES I DID! It was an awesome sight to behold at the Emirates Mall. Since I can't even roller blade speak less of skiing, I softly respected myself and did not attempt it. I need all my bones intact to stay in this business.
@Uzo, I been looking for somewhere to get the Gold thing at nice prices. Dubai is a bit out of the way from Abu Dhabi but I will be sure to visit the Gold Souk when am next in Dubai
@30+, yeah.. the first 2-3 weeks was loads of fun but things are now starting to heat up as I am actually here for a job related school. You fail an exam and your behind may well be on the next plane outta here (and jobless at the same time) Some guys were kicked out a couple of days ago for failing the weekly exams so yours truly is trying to keep it on the low for the next couple of days and being very friendly with my class notes.. and i thought I escaped books when I left uni :-(
Much love from a very studious me
Hehee, Tolantino would you hate me if i told u i could see the burj from my apt?
I see said oh, meaning i am not that close. lol.
I am glad u enjoyed my new home city. Lol see me sounding like an EMirati.
Lemme go back to being a resident guest b4 they deport me. lol
arghhhhhhhhh i am so going to dubai mehn ah ahn u have so inspired me
LMAO.. Welcome to Dubai.. Looks like there are more and more Naijas here...
I like your blog fellow Ajala Traveller :)
Are you still in Dubai?
@Pink Gloves
I only got one word for your new home city.."Tight" I need say no more.Am sure wherever you are seeing the Burj from is absolutely wonderful.. there is not a single "un-fantastic" structure within a 2 mile radius of the Burj El Arab :-)
Abeg come and visit. You go shop until you drop and if you are like me (one who loves to identify cars as driving past).. you will surely be in heaven.. enuf fine cars here
I am in Abu Dhabi.. The Thingy which I'm here for is in Abu Dhabi but we do try to sneak to Dubai during our free weekends (fri/sat or which kind weekend dem dey do for here? I fear when i first land)
Glad you are loving the blog.. Yours truly will continue to deliver as promised
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